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Eine fotografische Langzeitstudie mit der Zielsetzung das Gefuehl des illegalen Spruehens zu Portraitieren. Ein Aspekt der Graffitikultur der meine
eigene Vergangenheit stark gepraegt hat.Arbeitszeitraum: 2003 - 2008.A photographic long-term project with the idea to portrait bombing (doing illegal graffiti), a portrait of a feeling. An aspect of this sub-culture which had a strong influence on my personal past.Working period: 2003 - 2008
eigene Vergangenheit stark gepraegt hat.Arbeitszeitraum: 2003 - 2008.A photographic long-term project with the idea to portrait bombing (doing illegal graffiti), a portrait of a feeling. An aspect of this sub-culture which had a strong influence on my personal past.Working period: 2003 - 2008